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Server Analysis
MetiLinx places a small, non-intrusive Sensor on each monitored server. This Sensor collects hundreds of data points from each server and uses holistic algorithms to calculate the amount of free resources. Furthermore, it can perform this calculation as frequently as once per second! MetiLinx calls this calculated value the "Local Node Value". The Local Node Value, a single number from 1 to 100, is a measurement of the amount of resources on a server that are available to handle additional tasks.
Here are a few of the data points that the MetiLinx Sensor collects and evaluates:
Processor time slice assignments
Application priorities
% Processor time
% User time
% Privileged time
% DPC time
% Interrupt time
DPCs queued/sec
Pages swapped out
User time
System time
Average load
Number of processes
Run queue length
DPC rate
DPC bypasses/sec
Read/Write using sockets
Memory used for buffers
Used disk swap
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